Yeah...even though it's the last thing I want to do when hung over, I can finally admit that I need it. Especially since I've gotten into my thirties. I never had this problem when I was in my twenties- or if I did, I must have had more sick time then and just didn't go into work, I don't know. Then again, I did wear make-up more often back then. At any rate, I either need to stop drinking or stop being so damn lazy. So I'm probably going to stop being so damn lazy.
I realised this last Friday morning, when I went to put my contacts in and took a good look at myself. Blood-shot eyes, skin that looked like the Sahara Desert, undereye circles so dark it looked like someone decked get the idea. So over the weekend I evolved a little routine to make the ravages of alcoholic excess a bit less noticeable- look-wise, anyway. I take no responsibility for the health of anyone's liver, and certainly not my own.
So here we go:
1. Take last night's make-up off. Because you know were too trashed to do it then.
2. Once your face is clean, MOISTURIZE (capitals intentional.) Alcohol sucks moisture from your body and makes your skin look dry and papery. And OLD. Slap on half a bottle- with sunblock, of course- to remedy this. If your skin tone is uneven, you can mix a little foundation in, or use a tinted moisturizer. Don't use a lot- you're not going for full coverage or perfect finish here, you're going for damage control.
3. Concealer will help with the dark circles- apply as usual.
4. Lip color- use it. It'll make you look less sickly. Don't worry about formula- even a gloss, if you use a bit more than usual, will help.
5. If you want to fool with eye liner and mascara, do so at your own peril. Personally, I won't go anywhere near my eyes with a mascara wand or eyeliner pencil when I have the D.T.s. But if you really want to, or your hands aren't shaking that badly, or you just feel like living dangerously, a little will go a long way to perking your face up. If you're smart, or just really not up to it, sweep a neutral-colored shadow over your entire eye area to brighten it up.
A couple of other things- drink lots of water throughout the day, and eye drops help with the redness.